Testing & Assessing Children in the Time of COVID-19
New Dyslexia Screener for Young Children Available September 2020
Reynolds Dyslexia Risk Assessment (RDRA)
Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD, & Rebecca Gerhardstein Nader, PhD
The RDRA is an online, standardized rating scale with parent and teacher forms. It is normed on children 4 through 7 years of age. Ranging from 40 – 57 items, the forms can be completed in approximately 8 minutes or less. The items include reading-related skills that are acquired sequentially by young children as they become successful readers. Ideal for screening large numbers of students. The RDRA is published by Schoolhouse Educational Services.
Comprehensive RDRA Kits Ordered by September 1st Receive a 10% Discount
Click button for more details on or to pre-order the RDRA
Not Able to Test Children Because of COVID-19?
Standardized rating scales designed to be administered online can provide you with valid and reliable assessment data when direct testing with students is not an option. Schoolhouse has three rating scales that were normed for online use:
Children’s Psychological Processes Scale, Normative Update (CPPS NU): Link To Details
McCloskey Executive Functions Scale (MEFS): Link To Details
Reynolds Dyslexia Risk Assessment (RDRA): Link To Details
Social, Emotional, Behavioral and Mental Health Screener
The BIMAS-2 (Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System) for ages 5 – 18 is a brief, repeatable, multi-informant, standardized, online measure that can be used for universal screening, progress monitoring, and monitoring the effectiveness of system wide interventions.
Click button for more details on BIMAS-2
Laminated Reference Guides of the Month

Dyslexia: Strategies, Supports and Interventions, 2nd Edition
Laminated Guide

Basic Reading Skills Interventions for Struggling and Dyslexic Readers
Laminated Guide
This six-page laminated reference guide provides details on numerous reading interventions, including phonemic awareness skills training, phonics programs that teach the alphabetic principle, whole word reading approaches, and methods for developing oral reading fluency.
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