About Dr. Daniel C. Miller
President of KIDs, Inc.
Meet Dr. Miller
Dr. Daniel C. Miller, is the President and Owner of KIDS, Inc, the author of the Kindergarten Diagnostic Instrument – Second Edition (KDI-2) and he is the Director of School Neuropsychology Post-Graduate Certification Program.
Dr. Miller has more than 35 years of experience in school psychology and more than 30 years of experience in school neuropsychology. Dr. Miller received a Doctoral degree from The Ohio State University in 1989. His doctoral studies were a unique blend between school psychology, neuropsychology, and electrophysiology. Dr. Miller is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP), a Licensed Psychologist (OH) and holds the Diplomate in School Psychology from the American Board of Professional Psychology and the Diplomate in School Neuropsychology from the American Board of School Neuropsychology.
He is also a Fellow with the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. Dr. Miller is a Professor Emeritus in the Psychology and Philosophy Department at Texas Woman’s University (TWU) in Denton, Texas. Dr. Miller is the current Executive Director of the Woodcock Institute for Neurocognitive Research and Applied Practice, which is housed at TWU. Dr. Miller has been an active leader and presenter in state and national school psychology associations since 1992. Dr. Miller served as the President of NASP in 2003-04. He is also an active researcher in the field of school neuropsychology and early childhood assessment.
Dr. Miller is the author of the Essentials of School Neuropsychological Assessment (2007), and the Best Practices in School Neuropsychology: Guidelines for Effective Practice, Assessment, and Evidence-Based Intervention (2010), a co-author of Essentials of WJ III Cognitive Assessment – Second Edition (2010), the Essentials of School Neuropsychological Assessment – Second Edition (2013), a co-author of the Evidence-based Selective Assessment for Academic Disorders (2017), and a co-author of the Essentials of School Neuropsychological Assessment – Third Edition (2019).