Frequently Asked Questions About NASP-Approved CPDs

Make Informed Decisions Regarding Continuing Professional Development Training

What is NASP?
NASP is the National Association of School Psychologists, a professional organization for specially trained psychologists who work in schools to meet the psychological needs of all students.

What are CPD’s?

CPD’s are continuing professional development units which are essentially the same as continuing education units (CEU’s)

What are NASP-Approved CPDs used for?

They are used to meet the continuing professional development requirements for Nationally Certified School Psychologists (NCSPs). They are also used to meet the continuing education requirements for
school psychology licensure in many states.

Can anyone attend a NASP-Approved CPD program and earn CEUs?

Yes. Education and other related professionals may attend NASP CPD programs and be awarded general CEUs, which depending on state and local requirements, may be applied towards their continuing
education requirements.

How can NASP CPDs be earned?
Attendees must attend the program (webinar, workshop, course, etc.) in its entirety, whether the program is in person, virtual, or recorded. For virtual or recorded programs, technology or special codes entered periodically are used to document full attendance. Also, attendees must complete a program evaluation form.

When and how is NASP-Approved CPD Documentation of Attendance delivered to the attendee?

This letter or certificate will be sent within 30 days of receipt of a completed program evaluation and documentation of full attendance. The document will provide the title of the program, the name of the
presenter, the date of attendance, the number of CPD hours earned, and the NASP approved provide number. This document will be emailed from

How can questions about a CPD program be submitted?

Any questions about an upcoming or recorded NASP-approved program may be submitted to

How can the required program evaluation form be accessed?
An attached form or a link to the required form is sent following a live, virtual program or is provided along with the access link to a recorded program.

Do recorded programs have the same requirements as live or in-person programs?

Can recorded programs offered by Schoolhouse Educational Services, Inc., be accessed more than once?
Yes. Recorded programs can be accessed multiple times for up to 30 days beyond the purchase date. Attendees are not required to complete the recording the first time they access it.

How can questions be submitted during or following a recorded program offered by Schoolhouse
Educational Services?
The email address of the host and presenter are always provided. Questions pertaining to the program’s content may be submitted for up to 90 days after the recorded program was purchased.

How are NASP-Approved CPD programs selected and developed by Schoolhouse Educational Services?

Only programs that meet the professional needs of School Psychologists and related professionals are created. Needs are determined by monitoring the NASP website, surveying programs offered at state and
national conferences, and from daily communication with practicing school psychologists. The content of new programs is reviewed to ensure that content is appropriate.

How are the presenters recruited and selected?
Presenters must have professional credentials in school psychology or a closely related professional field. They must also have a history of expertise on the presentation (program) topic. Frequently, the presenters are nationally recognized speakers.