Comprehensive Trail-Making Test Second Edition CTMT-2 | Examiners Manual
CTMT-2 10 Pack Record Booklets
Additional Comprehensive Trail-Making Test Second Edition Record Booklets. (10 Pack)
The basic task of the trails is to connect a series of stimuli (numbers, expressed as numerals or in word form, and letters) in a specified order as quickly as possible. The test’s primary uses include the evaluation and diagnosis of brain injury and other forms of central nervous system compromise.
Comprehensive Trail-Making Test Second Edition (CTMT-2) Examiner's Manual
Author: Cecil Reynolds
Purpose: Assess brain injury and other forms of central nervous system compromise
Ages: 8 – 79 years
Format: Paper and pencil
Published: 2019
Administration Time: 5 – 15 minutes
Qualification Level: C
Comprehensive Trail-Making Test Second Edition Examiner's Manual
Examiner's manual only for Comprehensive Trail-Making Test Edition Two assessment by Cecil Reynolds.
All CTMT-2 Products and Pricing
PD-1901 CTMT-2 Introductory Kit $162.00
(Includes Examiner’s Manual and 10 Record Booklets)
PD-1902 CTMT-2 Examiner’s Manual $87.00
PD-1903 CTMT-2 Record Booklets (pkg/10) $75.00
(12% shipping applies to all CTMT-2 assessment tools)
PO Ordering Information
Purchase Orders: Email to: customerservice@SchoolhouseEducationalServices.com