Executive Function: Skill-Building and Support Strategies, Grades 6-12 – Laminated Guide
SKU EFSBSS6-12 | A six-page, tri-fold laminated reference guide by Sandra Rief, M. A.
Executive Function: Skill-Building and Support Strategies, Grades 6-12
Format: Laminated Reference Guide
This six-page laminated reference guide by Sandra Rief provides practical strategies to support and enhance the developing executive function skills of students. It also describes the key scaffolds and accommodations that help students with ADHD and others with executive function impairments succeed in school and beyond. The guide lists numerous specific strategies to help strengthen the following executive function skills:
- Working memory
- Inhibition
- Organization
- Time Management
- Planning
- Prioritization
- Sustaining focus and attention
- Activation and initiation
- Self-monitoring and metacognition
- Shifting and flexibility
- Goal-directed persistence
- Emotional control