The WJ V Tests of Cognitive Abilities: Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation – Webinar


In this virtual training workshop Dr. Dehn will cover updates in the new WJ-V and how to use the new digital format and options

4-hour Training Webinar that qualifies for NASP CEUs

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New 4-Hour Webinar with NASP CEUs available

The new WJ V Tests of Cognitive Abilities is a comprehensive battery composed of 20 tests based on the most recent version of Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory. In this virtual training workshop Dr. Dehn will cover selective testing, administration, scoring, and interpretation, as well as the theoretical basis of the WJ V Cognitive and the changes that have been made.

Format: Live Webinar
Schedule: 10:00 – 2:30 CST, April 4, 2025 (includes two 15-minute breaks)
Cost: $150 (Register early; space is limited.)

Milton J. Dehn, Ed.D.

Link to full description and additional courses, including live and on-demand webinars