Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, 2nd Ed (RIAS-2)
A comprehensive and cost-effective intelligence test, the RIAS-2 is a high-quality, reliable instrument that provides the necessary information to help clinicians make decisions regarding classification, selection, and educational placement. Individually administered, the RIAS includes a co-normed, supplemental measure of memory and is ideal for use in both educational and clinical settings.
The RIAS-2 includes a two-subtest Verbal Intelligence Index (VIX), a two-subtest Nonverbal Intelligence Index (NIX), and a Composite Intelligence Index (CIX), created by combining the VIX and NIX scores. The CIX assesses overall general intelligence (g), including the ability to reason, solve problems, and learn. A Composite Memory Index (CMX) is derived from the two supplementary memory subtests, Verbal Memory and Nonverbal Memory.
Verbal intelligence is assessed by measuring verbal problem solving and verbal reasoning where acquired knowledge and skills are important; nonverbal intelligence is assessed by measuring reasoning and spatial ability using novel situations and stimuli that are predominantly nonverbal.
The RIAS-2 also provides a basic, overall measure of short-term memory skills (e.g., working memory, short-term memory, learning); measures recall in the verbal domain; and evaluates the ability to recall pictorial stimuli.
A Spanish version is available.
RIAS-2 Introductory Kit* – $722
RIAS-2 Record Forms (Pkg/25) – $106
RIAS-2 Response Forms (Pkg 25) – $34
*Kit includes RIAS-2/RIST-2 Professional Manual with Fast Guide; 25 RIAS-2 Record Forms; 25 RIAS-2 Response Forms; and Stimulus Books 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Authors: Cecil Reynolds, Randy Kamphaus
Purpose: Assess intelligence and its major components
Ages: 3 – 94 years
Administration: Individual
Published: 2013
Administration Time: 25 minutes
Qualification Level C
Qualification Level: | C | Click For Qualification Level Information |
Normative data are based on a sample of 2,154 individuals ages 3-94 years from 32 states representative of 2012 U.S. Census statistics.
Data were gathered from the following 12 clinical groups: stroke, dementia, hearing impaired, intellectual disability disorder (child and adult), TBI (child and adult), learning disabilities (child and adult), ADHD (child and adult), and gifted.
Internal consistency studies associated with RIAS-2 indexes exceed .90 across age groups. RIAS-2 indexes correlated highly with RIAS indexes, providing support for the consistency of item content and performance between the original measure and this revision. Criterion-related validity was assessed by examining correlations between the RIAS-2 indexes and the WISC-IV™, WAIS-IV™, WPPSI-IV™, AAB, FAR, and ChAMP. All correlations were found to be in the strong and as expected.
Features and Benefits
- Can be used as a stand-alone intellectual assessment or as part of a larger battery to diagnose specific disorders, such as intellectual disabilities or learning disabilities.
- Has for coure and two memory subtests.
- Two supplemental speeded processing subtests (one verbal, one nonverbal) combine to create the Speeded Processing Index (SPI).
- Requires low motor demand.
Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, 2nd Ed Materials and Pricing | ||
RIASRISTKIT | RIAS-2/RIST-2 Comprehensive Kit | $982.00 |
RIAS2-KIT | Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, 2nd Ed (RIAS-2) Complete Kit | $907.00 |
Kit includes RIAS-2/RIST-2 Professional Manual with Fast Guide; 25 RIAS-2 Record Forms; 25 RIAS-2 Response Forms; and Stimulus Books 1, 2, 3, and 4. | ||
RIASRISTMAN | RIAS/RIST-2 Manual/Fast Guide | $232.00 |
RIAS2-RF25 | RIAS-2 Record Forms 25 Pack | $132.00 |
RIAS2-RS25 | RIAS-2 Response Forms 25 Pack | $48.00 |
Purchase Orders:
Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test, 2nd Ed Kit RIST-2
$457.00 -
RIST-2 Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test Record Forms 25 pack
$93.00 -
Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, 2nd Ed – RIAS-2 Record Forms 25 Pack
$136.00 -
Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, 2nd Ed – RIAS-2 Response Forms 25 Pack
$48.00 -
Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, 2nd Ed – RIAS Kit
$907.00 -
RIAS-2/RIST-2 Comprehensive Kit
$982.00 -
RIAS-2/RIST-2 Manual/Fast Guide