SEL For Prevention
An 8-Step Social and Emotional Learning Program for Elementary and Middle School
SEL for Middle School Curriculum
Strategies & Tools to Embrace Prevention with Upstream Programs
SEL For Prevention is a social and emotional learning program for middle school students, ages 11 to 14 (grades 6 to 8), aimed at promoting positive mental health, building emotional competence, and creating a safe school climate.

SEL for Prevention Program Options
SEL For Prevention – Print Version Price: $986.00
Print Version includes
– Middle School Instruction Manual: Each of the 8 Steps breaks down to Blocks A & B for a total of sixteen, 25-
minute lesson plans.
– Classroom set of 25 Student Journals
– Posters: Laminated Classroom 11×17 Trashy Tricks Poster and Mini Laminated 7×9 set of 25 Trashy Tricks Posters
– Tools for implementation: Curriculum-based assessment tools, parent memos, alignment with common core state
standards (6th-8th grades), suicide prevention resources
Middle School Digital Version Price: $2,499.00
Digital Version includes
– One-year subscription
– Building-wide access for teachers and students
– 16 digital lesson plans
– 8 upper elementary lesson plans
– Classroom instruction
– Student independent work
– Student assessments
Middle School Student Journal Classroom Pack (25 Copies): $350.00
SEL for Prevention Program Options Elementary Curriculum
Camp MakeBelieve Kids
Camp MakeBelieve Kids 8-Step Program uses an interlocking system of educational tools as well as an innovative blending of imaginative storytelling, art, drama, activities, music, and intimate discussions to create an organic learning experience for children, kindergarten through 5th grade.

Camp MakeBelieve Kids 8 Step Program – Print Version Price: $1200.00
Print Version includes
Adaptable K-5 Guidebook (Instruction Manual): Each of the 8 Steps breaks down to Block A, B, C, & D for a total of thirty-two, 90-minute lesson plans.
8 workbooks with (6) unique social stories, (1) musical playlett with song lyrics, (2) guided imagery narratives, and hundreds of additional take-home activities.
Digital downloads of 9 audio tools performed by professional actors and musicians, including (6) read-along
narratives, (1) 60-minute musical playlett performance, and (2) guided imagery readings with relaxing harp music
Posters: Laminated Classroom 11×17 Trashy Tricks Poster and SMILE Poster, Mini Laminated 7×9 set of 25 Trashy Tricks and SMILE posters
Tools for implementation: Curriculum-based assessment tools, built-in parent memos, alignment with reading literacy
standards (grades 2-5)
Elementary Adaptable Digital Curriculum Version Price: $3,495.00
Digital Version Includes One-year subscription, Building-wide access for teachers and students, 16 digital lesson plans, 8 upper elementary lesson plans, Classroom instruction, Student independent work, and Student assessments
Print Version Workbooks and Audio Tools Price: $250.00
These 8 workbooks are the teaching tools for each of the 8 steps, including fun and easily
generalizable stories, additional activities, and audio tools.
SEL for Prevention Program Options Elementary Curriculum
Research Supporting Effectiveness of SEL For Prevention Program
There is research supporting the effectiveness of the SEL for Prevention program and Camp Make Believe Kids.
Note that the research refers to the “Step Up” program because the SEL for Prevention program was originally called “Step Up.”
Here is the summary from the program evaluation report:
“The results of this research show the STEP UP (now called SEL for Prevention) program to be an effective way to enhance social emotional skills in middle school youth and provide tools for youth to learn prosocial attitudes and lifelong positive coping skills. Thereby these tools increase overall protective factors, promote positive mental health, and help mitigate negative situations (CASEL, 2013; Wyman, 2014). Teacher ratings of students who participated in STEP UP showed a statistically significant improvement from the beginning to the end of the program, while scores of students in the control group remained relatively the same or declined over time. Students who participated in the program during both school years were shown to have increased their social and emotional competency skills, becoming more aware of their own emotions, and using more positive strategies when facing adverse situations. This suggests that for students to receive the full impact of the program, it should be implemented for at least two years in order for students to show significant results.”
Nevada Institute for Children’s Research & Policy, 2015
Shop SEL For Prevention Products Now!
Showing 1–6 of 10 results
Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System BIMAS-2
$400.00 -
SEL For Middle School Curriculum Print Version
$986.00 -
SEL For Prevention – Middle School Student Journal Classroom Pack
$350.00 -
SEL for Middle School Curriculum – Digital Version
$2,499.00 -
Camp MakeBelieve Kids 8-Step Program Print Version
$1,200.00 -
SEL Camp MakeBelieve Print Version Workbooks & Audio Tools