Woodcock-Johnson IV Training by Dr. Milton J. Dehn

Dr. Milton Dehn, an experienced trainer in psychoeducational assessment and testing, is offering half-day and full-day trainings on the new WJ IV. Please contact him at 608-487-8282.

Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation of the WJ IV Tests of Achievement and WJ IV Tests of Oral Language – Webinar

The 6-hour webinar includes an overview of the two scales, how to do selective testing for various disabilities, general administration and scoring rules, specific administration scoring rules for the tests/subtests, how to use the online scoring, and how to interpret the results on the score report.

This recorded webinar teaches administration, scoring, and interpretation of both the WJ IV Tests of Achievement and the WJ Tests of Oral Language. Administration and scoring details will be reviewed, with some opportunities for participants to practice scoring. How to do selective testing for specific learning disabilities (SLD) is included, along with reminders of the weaknesses typically displayed by students with SLD. After a demonstration of the online scoring procedures, there will be a review of standardized test scores and tips on interpreting the results found in the WJ IV score report. A completion certificate is provided upon request.

To Purchase the Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation of the WJ IV Tests of Achievement and WJ IV Tests of Oral Language

Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation of the WJ IV Tests of Achievement – Webinar

A six-hour recorded training webinar by Dr. Dehn on the Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation of the WJ IV Tests of Achievement is available. The webinar includes an overview of the scale, how to do selective testing for various disabilities, general administration and scoring rules, specific administration scoring rules for the tests/subtests, how to use the online scoring, and how to interpret the results on the score report. The cost for viewing and listening to the webinar is $195. After purchasing the webinar and before viewing it email customerservice@SchoolhouseEducationalServices.com to obtain a copy of the PowerPoint and other handouts that can be printed before viewing the webinar.

To purchase the WJ IV Achievement Training Webinar, Click Here. ($195.00)

Woodcock-Johnson IV Test of Cognitive Abilities – Webinar

A five-hour recorded training webinar by Dr. Dehn on the Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation of the WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Ability is also available. The webinar includes an overview of the scale, how to do selective testing, general administration and scoring rules, specific administration scoring rules for the tests/subtests, how to use the online scoring, and how to interpret the results on the score report. The cost for viewing and listening to the webinar is $150. After purchasing the webinar and before viewing it email customerservice@SchoolhouseEducationalServices.com to obtain a copy of the PowerPoint and other handouts that can be printed before viewing the webinar.

To purchase the WJ IV Cognitive Training Webinar, Click Here. ($150.00)

Descriptions for Woodcock-Johnson IV Training

Woodcock-Johnson IV Test of Achievement
This workshop teaches administration, scoring, and interpretation of all of the tests of achievement, with emphasis on the new tests and the changes from the WJ III. All administration and scoring details will be reviewed, followed by modeling of the procedures on video, and an opportunity for participants to practice scoring. There will also be an emphasis on interpretation of the test results.

Woodcock-Johnson IV Test of Achievement and Tests of Oral Language
This workshop teaches administration, scoring, and interpretation of all of the tests of achievement, with emphasis on the new tests and the changes from the WJ III. All administration and scoring details will be reviewed, followed by modeling of the procedures on video, and an opportunity for participants to practice scoring. There will also be an emphasis on interpretation of the test results. Tests from the WJ IV Oral Language battery will also be reviewed, with emphasis on the tests most applicable to a learning disability assessment.

Woodcock-Johnson IV Test of Cognitive Abilities
This workshop teaches administration, scoring, and interpretation of all of the tests of cognitive abilities, with emphasis on the new tests and the changes from the WJ III. All administration and scoring details will be reviewed, followed by modeling of the procedures on video, and an opportunity for participants to practice scoring. There will also be an emphasis on interpretation of the test results. Tests from WJ IV Oral Language Battery that could be used to assess cognitive and memory abilities will also be reviewed.

*This is an orphaned page set to be retired Winter 2023. We are leaving this up for the convenience of our clients. All webinars on this page can be accessed from the main menu “Webinar and Training” page!

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